Monday, February 6, 2012

Before the temperature dropped again...

We had fun watching the Mockingbird yesterday.  The temperatures rose to the high 70s and I napped in the backyard swing while my son and his friend watched the birds through the telescope and my daughter played in the sand.  Up close, I realized the Mockingbird has been somewhat underrated in our house.  Even though they are "common", up close they are a very sleek and beautiful bird.  It's also one of the few birds that will keep the squirrels away ; )

We love this little Kinglet who has been frequenting the suet feeder.  He is so quick and flits all over the place and is the only bird who is usually still in flight even when eating.  I had only ever seen hummingbirds do that before. We're still hoping to see the Tufted Titmouse, Oriole, and Cedar Waxwings again.  But, we're content with the Kinglet and Brownheaded Nuthatch.
 So, we also saw the Carolina Chickadee as usual.  It's rather difficult to snap a photo of him since he usually swoops in, takes just one seed, and then flies quickly to the top of trees.  But, yesterday was one of the few times that I saw two Chickadees close to each other, with only 1 foot between them on the same branch, even if for a minute it was special.  Isn't this one cute just peaking out of the feeder?

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