Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Woodpecker surprise!

The kids and I were out in the yard filling bunny water bottles when who should show up, but our male Downy Woodpecker!  He was so pretty and stayed long enough at the suet for us to run in the house and get the camera.  He stayed even as I took shot after shot and then a short video clip.  I don't know why he didn't fly seeing as I was crouched and creeping and the kids were literally crawling in the grass behind me.  We must have looked pretty funny from his perch : )

My son and I were startled this afternoon to see a vulture fly over Washington Road near Owens Road crossing.  Huge, solid black, with white tipped wings.  I also swear I saw a Bluebird, the same as on the cover of my Georgia Birds book, in my neighbor's yard when I went to go pick the kids up from school.  I have never actually seen one before, anywhere in the U.S., and my first thought was, "Why aren't you in our yard!"

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